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YCHS Class of 2020
The conquerors. A fitting name for a fiery class that conquered not only expectations, but also their limitations. In the heat of the moment, and in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new decade, the Class of 2020 graduated 20 strong in a year of turmoil. Conquerors, indeed.
Alexander Ernest Agapito
Kathryn Grace Asay
Courtney Choay
Naomi Dugwem
Danielle Dugwen
Leann Gabriel
Desiree Garbuwaath
Narcissus Genong
Vaylen Guwaathag
Bryanne Laamuut Fenenigog
Jonathan Mitsur
Jovendra Sapphira Mogolgad
Vincent Jr. Mwailiuyalo
Zoe Nepomuceno
Trevor Talimeluw
Jenalyn Tamangided
Kaivin Wariy
Joe Xavier
Zedikiah Young-Uhk
Jasmina Yug
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